Thursday, February 14, 2013

Week 5 EOC: Patent Claim Bedevils Product Makers

This article was an interesting read. It breaks down into depth how companies use old patents that have expired on new products. Now, obviously it is wrong. However, I can see both sides of the argument. These  companies do not want to go through the hassle of patenting their products so they use old expired patents. However, this takes the credit away from the original patent holder. If I was one of the patent holders whose patent was being used without giving me credit I would be furious! Would not you be also? Patent holders deserve every bit of credit due with their patents. In fact,others believe the same way I do. According to Daniel Ravicher, "It chills competition, it misleads the public and takes away from the credit patent holders deserve..." Lawsuits were definitely filed in expedience by these patent holders and that is only right. These corporations don't get to take easy road. Laws are set for a reason, to follow them.

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